Carlton Investments Limited (CIN) is a long established investment company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.
It is the investment strategy of the Carlton Investments Group to invest in established, well managed Australian listed entities that are anticipated to provide attractive levels of sustainable income and also long term capital growth. The Group also invests in companies that enable a high portion of income to be received as fully franked dividends. Investments are held by group entities for the long term and are generally only disposed of through takeover, mergers or other exceptional circumstances that may arise from time to time. Carlton Investments Group entities do not act as share traders nor do they invest in speculative stocks. Refer
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Net Tangible Asset Backing
per ordinary share
As at 31 August 2024:
Before capital gains tax: |
$39.46 |
After providing for estimated capital gains tax: |
$32.96 |
The above amounts are after providing for the final ordinary dividend of 63 cents per share payable on 16 September 2024.
Amounts updated every month.